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Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas to everyone. Wow! The last article i posted was twenty days ago. Long time to hear from me, huh? Anyway! I was a bit bussy at work, a lil' bit bored and a lil' bit sick.
Christmas are my favourite season. Of course i 've been expecting them different but it's not up to me. First af all it didn 't snow... yet. Second is the crisis. I mean the financial crisis which got spread to all over the world very fast. Third, i guess you have seen what happened the last weeks in my country, Greece. My opinion for all these things is the whole fault goes to the politicians and to the greek goverment.
Of course if you wanna have a good time in holidays is not necessary to be rich. I believe if you are surrounded by people who you love and they love you, you will have the best time ever. This is the most important. Of course you will need some good music, some wine and good mood. Just try it!
BUT... we shouldn 't forget those who are all alone these days. Old people and people who don 't have anyone close to them. The right thing is to remember them all year and not only in some special occasions or holidays like Christmas or Easter. And remember: some people are in worst situation than us.
Well, that's all folks. Merry Cristmas again and happy holidays.